Manage Applications

Once you have spin installed and configured, you can use it to manage your Spinnaker application’s lifecycle.


spin can manage the whole lifecycle of your application:

$ spin application

   application [command]

  application, applications, app

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete the specified application
  get         Get the specified application
  list        List the all applications
  save        Save the provided application

  -h, --help   help for application

Global Flags:
      --config string          path to config file (default $HOME/.spin/config)
      --gate-endpoint string   Gate (API server) endpoint (default http://localhost:8084)
  -k, --insecure               ignore certificate errors
      --no-color               disable color (default true)
      --output string          configure output formatting
  -q, --quiet                  squelch non-essential output

Use " application [command] --help" for more information about a command.

The following assumes Spinnaker is running and Gate is listening on http://localhost:8084. If gate is running elsewhere, you can set the Gate endpoint with the global --gate-endpoint flag.

Managing Your Application’s Lifecycle

Create a new application using save

$ spin application save --application-name my-app --owner-email --cloud-providers "gce, kubernetes"

Application save succeeded

Applications can also be updated with the save command.

List our Spinnaker applications with list

spin application list
  "accounts": "my-account",
  "cloudProviders": "gce,kubernetes",
  "createTs": "1529349914747",
  "email": "",
  "instancePort": 80,
  "lastModifiedBy": "anonymous",
  "name": "my-app",
  "platformHealthOnly": true,
  "providerSettings": {
    "gce": {
    "associatePublicIpAddress": true
"updateTs": "1529349915014",
"user": "anonymous"

We see our application in the returned list along with the other existing applications.

Retrieve a single application with get

spin application get my-app
  "attributes": {
    "accounts": "my-account",
    "cloudProviders": "gce,kubernetes",
    "createTs": "1529349914747",
    "email": "",
    "instancePort": 80,
    "lastModifiedBy": "anonymous",
    "name": "my-account",
    "platformHealthOnly": true,
    "providerSettings": {
      "gce": {
        "associatePublicIpAddress": true
    "updateTs": "1529349915014",
    "user": "anonymous"
  "clusters": {
    "my-account-cluster": [
        "loadBalancers": [],
        "name": "my-account-gce",
        "provider": "gce",
        "serverGroups": [
  "name": "my-account"

Note that we retrieve not only the application attributes, but also the clusters associated with the application.

Delete a single application with delete

When we’re finished with our Spinnaker application, we can delete it.

spin application delete my-app